Krydstogtanløb Serenade of the Seas

Cruise Destination Fredericia

Photo: Claus Fisker

Fredericia is a cozy little cruise port with several annual calls. Guests are met by the city's cruise coordinator and a number of volunteers who help with the reception. The city's trained guides are responsible for the tours both in Fredericia and at nearby attractions.

krydstogtskib på Fredericia havn

See dates for cruise calls in 2025

Photo: Knud Erik Madsen

Become a Volunteer

In Fredericia, we have a fantastic group of volunteers who welcome cruise guests at the quay and help them with answers and tips for their day in Fredericia. 

As a volunteer, you will have some enjoyable days with lots of exciting and fun conversations with guests from all over the world and other volunteers. Plus, you get fresh air, sea views, and catering included.

You decide how much and which days you can participate. It is necessary that you can speak English or German, but other languages such as Spanish can also be useful. We need volunteers, so if you want to join, contact our cruise coordinator Lone. It is completely non-binding to inquire further.

Do you want to be a volunteer? 
Call or write to Lone Østergaard, phone: 50 83 42 26,

Cruise volunteer


6. juli garden på krydstogtkajen


What can you experience on cruise days?

When the cruise ships dock in Fredericia, the city buzzes with life and people. Many of the ship's guests, who come from all over the world, go up into the city and visit the historic ramparts

Upon arrival and departure, there is often music on the quay, and on many cruise days, markets and activities are held in the city for the enjoyment of both locals and guests. The program for each call is continuously updated in our event calendar.

Cruise guided tour


Mini-toget ved Rådhuspladsen


Hyttebyen på J.B. Nielsens Plads


Changes or cancellations may occur.