Fredericia Sports Centre
Fredericia Sports Center is one of Denmark's largest sports facility. Here sports and culture is combining a wide range of activities and
events in the heart of Denmark. It offers activities in a tropical water park to acitivities in a modern gym and refreshments in a cozy cafe.
Fredericia Idrætscenter is located in the middle of Madsbyparken, one of Frederica's most beautiful areas. A large green area of approx. 80 ha.in
western Fredericia where you will also find the popular family attraction, Madsby Legepark and the Historical Miniby.
At Fredericia Sports Center you will experience:
A modern gym with:
• Team training - large and varied team plan
• Strength
• Biobike: bike when you have the time and effort throughout our opening hours
• Personal training
• Nutritional counseling
Other facilities:
• Swimming pool and water park with steam bath and bio sauna
• Badminton
• Ping pong
• Cones
• Events
Through cooperation with clubs/associations, we offer TRI, running, basketball and boxing training.
Opening hours, please, see link here.