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Wood Sculptures in Nature

Go on a hunt for the beautiful wood sculptures around Fredericia's natural areas.

Wood Sculptures in Fredericia's Nature

Visit Fredericia's natural areas and discover the beautiful wood sculptures hidden around.

The Black Woodpecker, the Night Owl, and the Sea Eagle

Now you can go on a hunt for four of Fredericia's well-known animal species: the black woodpecker, which lives on Trelde Næs, the night owl, which lives in Fuglsang Forest, and the sea eagle, which lives by Rands Fjord. You can also see if you can spot the large starling box with a young starling, which is displayed at the Shelter site in Madsby Park.

Nature Art Created by Local Artist

The impressive artworks are created by local artist Marianne Ladegaard Jensen and made entirely from recycled wood. The sculptures aim to highlight Fredericia's wildlife while inviting curiosity and immersion in nature.

Go on a hunt for the beautiful sculptures and see if you can find them all. Remember to look carefully - you will meet them when you least expect it!

More Wood Sculptures on the Way

The four wood sculptures already adorn Fredericia's forests and natural areas - and more are on the way. Over time, more of the beautiful animals will be set up, so you can continue your hunt and see if you can spot them all.


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