10 things you should try, before you turn 10
Take your family or friends out into the wild and have a great experience in nature together. You must complete 10 different activities after which you will have learned a lot about nature.
You can get the outdoor pass at the following sites:
The Nature Centre in Trelde Næs
Fredericia Library & Visitor Centre
The leaflet describes 10 activities and gives tips and suggestions for each. Although the pass is only in Danish, the pictures explain most of it. We have made it easy for you: Beneath you find the 10 activities with a link, where you can carry them out. Once you are done with one or more activities, you can get at stamp in "The Green Room" at Danmarksgade 13 in Fredericia (within opening hours).
1. Spend a night in a shelter
2. Go fishing
3. Visit the deers
4. Catch a crab
5. Cook your meal over bonfire
6. Catch shrimps
7. Spot a porpoise
8. Carv your own stick and make a bonfire bread
9. Eat wild plants
10. Visit Trelde Næs