Skov i Fredericia
Trelde Næs skov

Nature experiences

Photo:VisitFredericia&Malik Skydsgaard

Go exploring

When you visit Fredericia you also find yourself in Nature Park Lillebælt - the largest nature park in Denmark.
Let your feet do the walking, see the landscapes from the seaside or go for a ride on your bike.

Vandring på Trelde Næs

Hiking paths

Sov i shelter på Trelde Næs


par cykler langs en rapsmark

Cycling holiday

Kajaktur ved Trelde Næs

At Sea

Nature areas

Fredericia has many beautiful natural areas, each offering unique experiences. We have nearly 50 km of coastline, and many of the natural areas are beautifully situated by the water. Read more about the areas below. You can also find inspiration in our Outdoor Guide, which is available in brochure boxes at selected natural areas.

Spis Lillebælt tur

Guided tours in Nature Park Lillebælt

Hvalsafari på Lillebælt

Whale watching

in the Little Belt

Rødhovedet polyp under vandet

Diving and snorkelling

For beginners and practised 

Lystfisker ved Trelde Næs


In the Little Belt

Nature Park Lillebælt

Explore Denmark's largest nature park, Nature Park Lillebælt. 
Enjoy varied and scenic landscapes and lots of activities, which can bring you closer to nature and the sea in Nature Park Lillebælt.

Nature Park Lillebælt is a marine nature park with the Little Belt as its core, surrounded by beautiful coastal landscapes. It is home to one of the world's densest populations of whales - the little porpoises. Nature Park Lillebælt covers about 370 km2 - including 200 km2 of protected nature. About 70 % is the nature park is sea.

Naturpark Lillebælt

Nature Park Lillebælt

Photo: VisitFredericia


Are you looking for a bathing beach or a beach with beautiful nature? Fredericia has some of the best beaches in Jutland. Here, you will find both stunning natural beaches and family-friendly bathing beaches.

We recommend our five Blue Flag beaches, which you can see below. For example, visit Østerstrand, one of the best bathing beaches in Denmark. But also check out our other beaches —they all offer great bathing water and beautiful surroundings.

You can also experience

The Nature Room in the Canal District
The Nature Room in the Canal District
The Black Woodpecker - Wooden Sculpture at Trelde Næs
The Black Woodpecker - Wooden Sculpture at Trelde Næs
Audio walks on Fredericia Ramparts
Audio walks on Fredericia Ramparts
Nature Center Lundingsvej
Nature Center Lundingsvej